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Bergen Evening Record
Mid-Century and Anniversary Edition
June 9, 1950

Bergen evening record June 9, 1950
Conte is the third person from left to right.


To be a G.A.R. {Grand Army of the Republic} member meant you were a veteran of the Civil War

There was no one at the Bergen Evening Record on June 9, 1950 that knew when this photo was taken, but they did have their names on the caption. The men in the photo appear to be older and in their 60’s and above which if in 1860 they were young teenagers would mean by 1900 they were in their 50’s, so the photo could have been as early as the turn of the century or taken sometime in the early “19-teens” or early 1920’s. According to the caption “Conte”, assuming that is his last name, is the third person when viewing from left to right. I have no other information on
his service. 

        Click here to view information on the G.A.R. organization and its impact on America after
the Civil War.

        Click here to view information on the Hackensack Wheelmen’s Club from the book
Images of Hackensack page 60 by Barbara Gooding,Terry E. Sellarole, Allen Petretti,
and Theresa E. Jones. 

Written by:
Bob Meli
February 16, 2018

Click here to view material George Toriello possibly uncovered on this Civil War veteran.



Background image of 22nd regiment New Jersey infantry during Civil War obtained from: